ARB103 – Quranic Vocabulary

The focus of this course is is primarily on vocabulary acquisition rather than grammatical analysis. You will expand your Quranic vocabulary through a study of Surah Kahf.

Pre-requisite: Prior completion of ARB101 and ARB102.

Course Information

This is a one year course delivered online with a live 1.5 hour class held weekly. Students will work through Surah Kahf a few ayaat at a time, memorising
vocabulary lists, doing vocabulary quizzes, translating the ayaat in class with the teacher, and submitting assignments.

Assignments will comprising of multiple choice tests of the vocabulary and sentence composition based on the vocabulary list for the week.

Course Instructors

Maryam Issadeen Maryam Issadeen Instructor

Sister Maryam began her Arabic journey by studying for a 9 month full time course at the Ibn Jabal institute in London. She later furthered her studies at the Qasid institute in Amman, Jordan where she lived and studied full time for six months. During this time she gained a lot of experience in speaking and understanding classical Arabic.

Jamilah Solwa Jamilah Solwa Instructor

Sister Jamilah is an experienced teacher and educator. Born and raised in South Africa, she is a qualified Optometrist, but her passion for the Qur’an drew her to teaching Arabic. She has a comprehensive knowledge of Arabic Grammar having studied with Bayyinah Institute, Qutoof Academy and Alhuda Institute.