Road to Aafiyah webinars are open to women only and are free of charge.

You may watch videos of past webinars if you are a registered user of Road to Aafiyah

Presenter: Layla Valoria

Welcome Oh Ramadan!

A workshop to help you mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally attain maximum benefit from Ramadan. Learn how to:

  • Prepare for this blessed month to achieve its ultimate goals.
  • Attain psychological well-being and tranquility through fasting.
  • Achieve spiritual fulfillment through charity, prayer and recitation of Qur'an.
  • Utilise the opportunities in this holy month to reflect and reset.
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PROFILE:  Layla Valoria

Presenter: Najiha Basheer

Roadmap to Conflict Management

During this webinar, we will cover the following topics:

  • Strategies for managing oneself during conflicts to prevent feelings of guilt.
  • The significance of changing our mindset towards conflicts.
  • A simple 3-step process for self-regulation and achieving clarity when communicating during times of high emotions.
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PROFILE:  Najiha Basheer

Presenter: Naeera Abed

Trauma & The Body

This webinar will delve into the fascinating topic of how trauma affects the body and its various responses. Naeera will explain what happens in the body during times of trauma, the different types of trauma, and how the autonomic nervous system responds to trauma. You will learn about:

  • Behavioral patterns that can develop as a result of trauma
  • How to deal with trauma and it's effects on the body.
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PROFILE:  Naeera Abed

Presenter: Safeera Sabdia

Feminine Confidence for Muslimahs

Discover the power within you and unlock your feminine confidence as a Muslimah in our groundbreaking webinar. Safeera will guide you through a transformative journey. Gain valuable insights on:

  • Embracing your unique identity, reclaiming your voice, and expressing your true self with confidence and grace.
  • How high self-esteem deepens your faith and trust in Allah.
  • How to balance giving and receiving so that you tap into your inner strength and love being a Muslim woman!
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PROFILE:  Safeera Sabdia

Presenter: Shaida Gutta

An Islamic Guide to Parenting

Our children are an ammanah from Allah. As parents, we are entrusted with the responsibility of nurturing them, as they are precious jewels in our lives. It is crucial to expose them to goodness and provide them with a solid foundation.

In this webinar, we will explore the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah to guide us in raising our children in the best possible manner. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain knowledge and enhance your parenting skills.

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PROFILE: Shaida Gutta

Presenter: Shakirah Hunter

Confidence & Communication within a Marriage

Join our webinar to discover how you can nurture marital harmony. In this workshop, Shakirah will explore

  • How to choose a marriage that brings you joy.
  • How to develop confidence to find your voice within your marriage.
  • Creating deeply affectionate & tranquil marriages by reframing our thoughts.

Learn how to break free from old habits and identify a path will pave the way for positive changes in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.


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PROFILE: Shakirah Hunter

Presenter: Nina Fashik

Connecting with Allah; A Roadmap for the Mindful Muslimah

Join Nina Fashik from the Muslimah Mindset, as she facilitates a session on connecting oneself to Allah. Learn about your inner self and the path to attaining Ihsan -  excellence in thought word and deed. Nina will provide you with a roadmap to get you there by delving into critical topics like the three levels of the deen, the nafs, vices, muraqabah and muhasabah. You will learn practical strategies that will help you such as:

  1. Performing the 5 daily salaah on time
  2. Maximising virtuous actions and making them a consistent part of your life
  3. The significance and positive impact of daily adkhar.
  4. Embracing the Sunnah.
  5. Turning your intentions to Allah
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PROFILE: Nina Fashik