2022 Webinars

Road to Aafiyah webinars are open to women only and are free of charge.

You may watch videos of past webinars if you are a registered user of Road to Aafiyah

Presenters: Saalihah Seedat & Shakira Hunter

Stop the World, I want To Get off!

During this global pandemic, we have little down time to apply the brakes and our nervous systems are expected to continue firing with no rest. Just as we need to nurture our immune systems to support physical health, it’s vital that we recognise our bodies need to ‘control-alt-delete’ from the physical and emotional impacts of stress and to apply the brakes. During this webinar, learn about the effects of stress on the body, understand nervous system function and learn about tools and techniques to combat stress both from a contemporary psychological perspective and the Islamic tradition.

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Presenters: Shaima Alabbasi & Shahina Omar

I'm Not Good Enough!

“I’ can't do this!”, “I will fail!" Have you ever said that? Even as self-talk ? We often take a step back in life, afraid of taking risks or new experiences … mostly because we have low self-esteem so we doubt ourselves. Some people think that you either have high self-esteem or you don’t, so they simply give up if they believe they don’t have it. Others wait for it to come to them; “I’ll do this when I’m ready..” and that day never comes! The good news is that self-esteem is not by chance. It’s by design, and t’s natural to us! In this webinar, we will learn together about the foundations of self-esteem that will help us feel worthy, lovable and enough; empowering ourselves to live life to the fullest. 

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Presenters: Najiha Basheer & Shaida Gutta

Transform How You Think!

Did you know that an average human being gets 2 millions bits of information coming at them every second- colours, sounds, smells, shapes, emotions and the list goes on. How do we process all this information? How do we make meaning out of it? It is easy to feel overwhelmed just by the thought of it. To survive this information overload, we have an inbuilt filtering system. In this webinar, we will be looking at how we process the information that we receive from the world, what our filtering system is, what creates our reality, and most importantly, an easy 3 step process on how we can transform how we think about any situation.

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Presenter: Safeera Sabdia

Calm Yourself...

In a world where there is so much going on, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and overburdened. We are bombarded with so much that demands our attention, it’s hard to keep track of it all. The endless worries of what others will say, the constant questioning and self doubt paralyses us from taking action and being the best we can be. This webinar will explore how to effectively manage anxious feelings and self doubt. It will give you practical tools and strategies to  understand your nervous system so you use it to work with you not against you. Learn to listen to the signals of your body so that you work within your limits, be in control of YOU, and serve Allah to the best of your ability. 

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PROFILE:  Safeera Sabdia

Presenter: Safeera Sabdia

Turn Your Fear Into Courage

Fear is an emotion that can motivate you or paralyze you. It can be productive or destructive depending on who you fear, why you fear, and what you fear. Unless you have hope to balance your fear, there is no way that your fear can be productive because fear by default is a paralyzing emotion - it needs hope to make it productive. In this webinar, learn how to recognise the difference between healthy productive fear and sustained destructive fear. Learn about the consequences of destructive fear on you faith and health, and how to overcome destructive fear. This webinar will include a guided meditation.

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PROFILE:  Safeera Sabdia

Presenter: Anne Suhaymah Armstrong

I Want To Be In Love Forever!

What makes a good relationship and what insights does Islam give us? This webinar will explore what constitutes a good relationship between a man and wife and what it means for different people. We will compare relationship norms with insights from an Islamic perspective. Of the 7.9 billion people on our planet right now about 64% are married, and the diversity of backgrounds, cultures and belief systems gives rise to various views on what makes a successful relationship. It is important to explore what makes a ‘good’ relationship as we often spend most of our time complaining about what is wrong in the relationship rather than what is right with it. We will take a look at what the Qur'an teaches us about how a man and woman can have a deeply loving and spiritual relationship.

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PROFILE:  Anne Armstrong

Presenter: Nina Fashik

Shift Your Mindset!

This webinar seeks to inspire you to strengthen your relationship and reconnect with Ash-Shakur, the Most Appreciative, Al-Kareem, The Most Generous. Learn how to gain clarity on your purpose in life and harness your gratitude from within. Join us as we explore;
⁃ A deep dive into the creation of mankind and our Neurological function.
⁃ The power of focus
⁃ The power of intention and sincerity
⁃ The power of gratitude
⁃ Creating purposeful habits

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PROFILE:  Nina Fashik