A Series of Webinars on Health & Well-Being

Drawing on both contemporary psychology and the Islamic tradition to provide practical guidelines and techniques for women on achieving  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Mission & Vision


The focus of our monthly webinars will be on common challenges faced by women today, and how to practically apply strategies to overcome them. Among other topics, we will explore how to have healthy relationships, how our thinking affects our responses to situations, how to cope with stress, how to deal with self-doubt, anxiety and depression, and tribulations in life that lead to grief and pain. Central to this will be the role our faith plays in healing us.

What is Aafiyah?

Aafiyah means total and complete well-being, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is a state that the Messenger of Allah  (Peace be upon him) made dua for on a daily basis, for both this world and the next. Aafiyah is necessary in order to live life in the best possible way, to be the best that we can be and connect our hearts to Allah.

What are our Objectives?

Our goal at “Road to Aafiyah” is to help Muslim Women who are seeking a positive change in their lives, and a healthier connection with Allah, to become more self-aware in their journey to Aafiyah. We intend to achieve this by providing resources and practical guidelines drawing on contemporary Psychology as well as the Islamic tradition based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. Our content is developed with the input of authorities in both these fields. This perspective considers our behaviour, emotions and thought processes and the effect on our spiritual well-being. At the same time our spirituality plays and important role in the prevention of illness and is a beneficial factor in managing our life struggles.

How can we Help?

We live in a time when the stress of modern living affects us all and has led to an increase in mental and physical illness. Many people do not know where to get help, and who to turn to. Our webinars will not only educate people and raise awareness of the struggles we face, but also provide practical information on how to cope. Importantly, they will also be a gateway for women seeking help, to access our counsellors and life coaches in their professional capacity.

Scheduled Webinars

One topic to be presented each month. Webinars are held on the last Wednesday  of the month.

Video recordings of past webinars are available for our registered users

  • 2022 Webinars

    Details of webinars held in 2022 and video recordings can be found here.

  • 2023 Webinars

    Details of webinars scheduled for 2023 can be found here.